Everyone’s doing clip shows this late into the year. My options were either doing a best of, “here’s what you might have missed,” list of articles, which I have chosen to do; or, I could very well have done a deep prediction of what’s going to be hot in 2017.
I think I’ll predict the future right after I attend Renaissance Weekend this week in Charleston, SC. Maybe by the 3rd I’ll know what the future may bring. All I know know right now is that it seems to me like the rest of the industry is slowly catching up with Dan Krueger and me, Chris Abraham.
Folks are really starting to understand the value of the micro-influencer when it comes to promoting their event, brand, product, service, or cause. That’s very exciting because it lends a lot of credibility to strategies and tactics we have been successfully and powerfully using over at Gerris Corp since well before it was Gerr.is, way back in 2006 — now over a decade ago!
What’s even more exciting is that Earned Media PR and Marketing is still alive and well — you just need to not suck! If you bring it, they will post, share, tweet, and blog you! Kindness, respect, appreciation, good humor, and love can unlock a lot of doors online, don’t you forget it!
I hope my exhaustive list of all my favorite blog posts I share with you below allow you to catch up on the articles, posts, and content that you missed in 2016. I look forward to continuing to selflessly and shamelessly share every single little business thing in my head openly and honestly.
Instead of black-boxing our entire process and sneaking around in the shadows, we at Gerris prefer to share it all and scare you with the sheer amount of work and discipline it all takes to actually do, hoping you’ll prefer to let us gladly and happily do it instead of simply trying to reinvent our wheel.
If you have any questions or want to work with Dan and me, feel free to call or email me.